Revised plans for Liverpool hotel recommended for approval

14 February 2020

Revised expansion plans for a proposed Liverpool hotel have been recommended for approval look set to be backed next week.

In 2018, an application was approved to transform 16 Jamaica Street into a boutique venue comprising 36 rooms. A three-storey rooftop extension was also backed, with the site dubbed the Baltic Hotel.

Earlier this year, an updated version of the scheme was revealed.

Proposed is remodelling the neighbouring 18 Jamaica Street and adding a rooftop extension to this building too in a bid to create an internal connection with the Baltic Hotel, along with additional public space for guests and a further 21 bedrooms.

The remainder of the venue would instead comprise 35 bedrooms, with the total being 56.

It has been designed to create a look that "accords with the distinctive industrial and contemporary character of the Baltic Triangle".

A planning statement to Liverpool City Council added: "This report has demonstrated that the proposal will involve a slight impact upon the unlisted building, but is in accordance with the character and planning vision for the of the Baltic Triangle and will have a negligible impact upon the setting and outstanding universal value of the World Heritage Site."

The application is set to go before the authority's planning committee next week, with a recommendation for approval.

"Although the application site is designated within the UDP for industrial uses, the strict adherence to policy has so far failed to attract any new interest in industrial investment and it is recognised that allowing alternative forms of appropriate development onto selective sites within the Baltic Triangle would provide an attractive mixed use area to the benefit of the wider area," said a report drawn up before the meeting on 18 February.

"Furthermore, the emerging Local Plan seeks to change the designation to a mixed use area.

"It is considered therefore that the proposed hotel use is suitable for this location."


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